It's finally autumn! And outside of autumn it's also fun. With rain, thunder and leaves everywhere. We have already hung some party lights inside, because it is already quite dark in the house. And then today is Halloween. It doesn't get more autumnal with those pumpkins on the doorstep.
Every year, this time awakens all kinds of desires in me, ranging from walks in the woods (preferably in Sweden, England or Austria) to crocheting blankets and from making apple pie and stews to writing and drawing stories about gnomes, tree spirits and fairies. I could go on like this for a while*. Fortunately, I can easily give in to most things and it won't stop at that one apple pie from two weeks ago.

White women
The fact that I love this season so much can also be seen from all the hyggelic, autumnal illustrations I make. I hope that the people who buy them will get the same nice, warm feeling that I had while working on it. And then there are all the blog texts I've written about it over the years. For example, about hygge in the fall , Halloween , white ladies and a (still unfinished) story about the elderly neighbors Aaltje and Dina .
Well, I like to write about autumn and I have to restrain myself from giving an endless serenade to the beautifully colored autumn flowers in the trees or to the geese flying overhead that make loud clucks and form a perfect V-shape on their way to South. And how I'm not jealous of that at all (really not).
Boots on
I also notice that with a toddler and a preschooler you experience the seasons even more consciously. New sweaters, trousers and jackets suddenly had to be produced. I feel like it happened all of a sudden this year because it went from 25 to 12 degrees within a weekend. In addition, my two little ones are real collectors, so we only do a short walk so that there is enough time while walking to pick up every leaf and acorn, study it extensively and take it with us. And always wear boots; because before you know it they are jumping in a puddle.
Actually, I think autumn could last a little longer. There is hardly enough opportunity to think about it, take walks in the woods, look for mushrooms and make chestnut works of art. In no time the trees are bare and attention is distracted by that man with the miter from Spain and by that other man with his sled from the far north.
Not just fun, though
To be fair; For me, autumn does have one drawback, with eight legs and eight eyes (and I literally get goosebumps while writing this). I really hate spiders. We live here in a rather tree-rich area with lots of insects and where there are insects, you will find spiders. And they apparently find it necessary to reside nearby en masse in the autumn. Recently a rather large garden spider had made its web near our front door, so you had to do a kind of limbo dance every morning to get outside. Until an inattentive parcel deliverer broke the web, the spider had enough after a week and chose to seek refuge elsewhere.
This afternoon I'm going to celebrate autumn; we are going to decorate a pumpkin and there is a delicious, warming soup on the menu.
(*Continue favorite things in autumn: Listening to metal, drinking tea by the fireplace, candles everywhere, cooking soup, drinking bock beers, listening to Harry Potter books, going to the garden center to secretly watch the Christmas show, accidentally leaving a bag buying gingerbread nuts, cheese fondue, reading exciting books, and I would like to say watching scary movies, but I actually don't like that that much) .