In addition to drawing for my own label Studio Kvinna and on commission for birth announcements, I also enjoy working on projects for organizations and companies.
For example, are you looking for:
- a house portrait
- a logo
- an educational expression
- a coloring page
- a nice map
- a do-book
- an illustrated recipe
- a bag
If you like my style and would like to collaborate, please contact me via the contact form or send an email to post@studiokvinna.nl.
Here you will find a selection of what I have already been able to make.

Icons for children's platform Vettt
Eight icons that quickly show what kind of Twente children's outing it is.
Illustrations for camping shop Obelink
The illustrations of camping equipment were used on various products.
Corporate identity for LefLeefLijf
Consisting of a logo and five icons for the different subjects.
Thank you page for SPYK71
Inspired by (Scandinavian) design classics.
Activity books for Concordia
Published at interactive children's exhibitions, with assignments and facts about the exhibition.
For the Breedstraat midwifery practice
A map of Utrecht with the practice building illustrated and highlighted.