Suddenly it is the end of December. I could hardly imagine that Christmas would even happen this year, but in six days it will be here. And those six days are sorely needed because the Christmas cards still have to be written, the menu can still go in all directions and the presents have not yet been bought, let alone wrapped.
Giving presents at Christmas is older than Saint Nicholas and Santa Claus combined. It even dates back to a time when Christmas didn't even exist! Both the Romans and the Germans did it. In ancient Rome, they exchanged beautiful branches and other small lucky charms at the festival of the sun god Mithras. And the Germans exchanged food with each other in the middle of winter to celebrate the lengthening of the days, and thus the return of the light. Later, other gifts were also given and sleeping children received a small surprise from the god Odin.

This laid the foundation for a figure that has become an indispensable part of our current celebration of this winter solstice: Santa Claus! Although there are several 'forefathers' of Santa Claus, our Sinterklaas is perhaps the best known. The festival in honor of Saint Nicholas has been celebrated in our country since the Middle Ages. When the Dutch in the 17th century century, they naturally took this tradition with them. Cut off from Dutch culture and influenced by the British, among others, things changed here and there. The name Sinterklaas was anglicized to Santa Claus and various – imaginative – American writers created the background story; a pipe-smoking protector who rides high above the trees; a cheerful elf who is pulled along in a sleigh full of toys by eight reindeer. In 1860, illustrator Thomas Nast placed Santa Claus at the North Pole and the picture is complete.
Fun fact
The pot-bellied, bearded, ho-ho-ho-ing man in a red and white outfit that we know today owes his look to the clever marketing people at Coca Cola. In 1931, the brand wanted to expand sales to a younger audience, but the law at the time prohibited them from showing children drinking Coke. So they created a friendly Santa Claus who is offered the sweet drink by a bunch of children. Including a bright red suit with a white fur collar (the Coca Cola colors), next to a large refrigerator full of brown bottles and a big bag full of presents.

Download free gift labels
And speaking of presents, do you have them under the tree yet? In a pretty paper and with a fancy bow? What I do have ready, are the labels to hang on the presents. And because it is (almost) Christmas I want to share these with you too. You can download them for free via this link. Print them on a sturdy piece of paper, run the scissors along them, attach a ribbon and you're done. Have fun!