One of the added benefits of having a little one is the growing pile of picture books in our house. Now I have to admit that I already had a certain collection in my closet before there was even a baby; now I take every opportunity to expand the collection. Because man, there are some works of art in there! The stories themselves are simple, and that makes sense because those little brains have to be able to understand them. Although sometimes they are about the Big Things in life. Or there is no text at all, so you can make up your own story. But the illustrations are sometimes to die for, one more beautiful and special than the other. I really think it is a form of art; you can hang it on the wall.
Below are some of my favorites, actually all books with illustrations so beautiful that I'd rather keep them out of my mini's greedy peanut butter hands. The list is not numbered but in random order. Choosing is way too hard 😉

Home of Carson Ellis
This beautiful large book shows that many things can be someone's home. A cottage in the countryside, a palace or a shoe. With beautiful, recognizable, watercolor illustrations in soft but not sweet colors. Every page is a feast for the eyes and makes you fantasize about what it looks like on the inside and all the things that people and animals can live in.
Where Happiness Begins by Eva Eland
What a nice book this is, a bit philosophical because it is about happiness. About the elusiveness of it, that sometimes you can't be happy and that that is okay, because happiness always finds a way. The use of color in the illustrations, which are somewhere between screen printing and pencil drawing, is very fresh and nice. Both in terms of text and drawing nice as a gift for small and big people.
The Fox and the Star by Coralie Bickford-Smith
The cover alone; dark blue linen with white print. And the inside made my illustration heart jump for joy. The illustrations and the use of color play a leading role in the story, which is about loss, mourning, letting go and starting over. I don't really want to say too much about it, except that you really want to have this in your closet.
Together Here by Oliver Jeffers
This book was given to us by a good friend when Annika was not yet here. The author wrote it shortly after his son was born and I totally get it. The message is universal: 'Welcome to Earth. This can be a confusing place, especially if you are new to it. This book can be your guide as you start your journey. You will discover much more yourself.' The illustrations of the universe and everything around it are fantastic. This man hits just the right note with humor and emotion (at least for me as a new parent). His other books, for example That Moose is Mine, are also very worthwhile.
Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll – illustrations Floor Rieder (or actually everything illustrated by Floor Rieder)
The text is the well-known story with the rabbit that is always late, the mad hatter and in which croquet is played with live flamingos. But Floor Rieder changed Alice from a good blond Disney character in a blue dress into a tough girl with a hat, sneakers and glasses. The illustrations are reminiscent of woodcuts, but are scratched with a pen in glass plates covered with black gouache that lie on a light box. An old technique that sounds laborious, but is worth it considering the result.
And finally, of course, the complete oeuvres of Fiep – Jip & Janneke – Westendorp and of the Swedish Ingela P. Arrhenius, because it's nice and retro.
This selection comes from the books we have ourselves, but my wish list is still long. For example, yesterday I The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse ordered, from Charlie Mackesy. In the mailbox this afternoon, so to be continued.

And how I would love to make a picture book myself. Preferably also with my own story, but there is always a but it seems. No time, no inspiration, too much inspiration "if I'm going to make the story and the illustrations, I can go in all directions" and then I can't decide. But now there is Nini and the blue moon, so who knows, maybe it will happen one day.