Man oh man, you blink your eyes and it's almost February again. How time flies, sorry but no sorry for the delicious cliché that I present to you here 😉 But it's true. Before and after Christmas I was sick - luckily not during -, which increased the stress that goes with these days a bit. And that's why, besides some normal work stuff, I took it nice and easy these first few weeks. I crawled under a blanket with pots of tea to drink, my iPad to draw and think about how and what in 2023.

Farewell or not (yet)
Because it was (and still is) high time to clean up and make room for new things. Both in the webshop and in my head 😉 Because how do you determine what is old and has to go? Or what is old, but what can still be used after a makeover? What do you want to say goodbye to and what (still) not?
With products like cards, prints and posters, the choice is sometimes easy. Because sometimes a card doesn't run and the decision is quickly made. But now that I work more and more digitally, and have discovered the wonderful world of ProCreate, I notice that my illustration style is changing a bit. The themes are the same: hygge, Scandinavia, outdoors and flowers and with a touch of fantasy. It is the color palettes, the texture, the details and the layering with which I have gradually gone in a new direction. And don't get me wrong, I am very happy with this!

New look
It is true that here and there there is quite a difference between my 'old' and my new illustrations. And that doesn't have to be bad, although I do have the desire to give some of the old illustrations a new look. But then I wonder if my dear customers will still want to buy them.
As often (or always) it is a search for the golden mean, but without it becoming a compromise, because apparently no one is really happy with that. I started with the subtle makeover of a card I made in 2018 made. Curious what you think.

New new new!
The Sale in the webshop is now nicely filled with all sorts of nice things, which I will say goodbye to here and there with pain in my heart. And the nice thing about this is that there is automatically room for new things. New illustrations, new products and new concepts. For example, there are already nine new maps online!
And I'll take until mid-February to think about the rest of the year. Because am I going to make a new line of birth announcements, am I going to focus on wedding cards or am I going to set up a whole party collection? I'm curious about what 2023 will bring.