These are busy days for the nature-minded people among us. Because it is la la spring! Trees full of blossom, flower bulbs bursting out of the ground and shrubs that are rapidly changing from a few bare branches to lush green eye-catchers. Our kitchen windowsill is full of the sprouting flower gardens from supermarket X and they are flanked by the tender first leaves of cherry tomatoes, courgettes and green beans. I love it!

Planet Day
Today, April 22, is Earth Day and we reflect on how beautiful, unique and valuable our planet is. In the Netherlands it seems like the umpteenth 'Day of...', but in other parts of the world it is a serious matter with dozens of activities. The first edition took place in 1970 in the US and was a result of growing ecological awareness through the bestseller 'Dode lente' (Silent Spring) by Rachel Carson from 1962, about the negative effects of the use of pesticides. In protest, people took to the streets and that brought - at that time - 20 million people to their feet! To this day, it is the largest one-day protest in history, but that is besides the point. Do you also want to do something for our planet today? Plant a tree or go visit the bees .

Counting bees
This weekend also takes place National Bee Count place and you can participate in counting the bees in your garden or balcony. There are about 350 different bee species in the Netherlands! But during the 'counting days' the focus is on 16 species with the most diverse names; what do you think of the red-eared bee or the felt-spot sand bee? Or the bumblebee fly? Unfortunately, our garden is currently 'under construction' and therefore one big sandbox (to the great delight of my two-year-old daughter). Fortunately, you can participate every year, so next year we will be there!

Green fingers
I am a big fan of trees, flowers and bees. In another life (one in which mathematics is not so important) I could have become a biologist. Fortunately, there are enough opportunities in this life to keep my green fingers busy! Soon I will be able to work in the garden again and draw and make beautiful things all year round. These are my favorite 'green' products from the webshop:
- Vegetable garden poster
- Enamel mug with bee
- Growth card Hooray
- Postcard with house and garden
- Weekly planner with flowers
Do you have a favorite?