Happy 2020!
So… The oliebollen are gone, the pine needles are on the ground and the Christmas pounds are on. The festivities are over and 2020 is raring to roll out before us. I wonder what it has in store for us.
A new decade, a new year, a new month and therefore also a new calendar . The theme this year is Sweden. Drawing it was a journey that strangely enough started in Denmark and that runs from the taiga in Lapland to bustling Stockholm and that goes via coffee with something tasty to herring. Behind every picture there is a story, that I like to tell you. This week the odd months, next week the rest. Do you want to see all the pictures? And admire them in real life? Then look here!

January – Reindeer in the taiga
In the north of Sweden you will find vast coniferous forests, called the taiga. The word comes from Russian and means 'coniferous forest'. No less than 80% of the trees are pines, silver firs and larches. There are not many mammals that can survive the harsh winters here, but the reindeer is one of them. Both the males and the females have antlers. On the calendar you see a female, who takes a short detour to escape the hustle and bustle of the large herd she is part of.
March – Fika!
Every day, in the morning and afternoon, the Swedes stop working en masse to enjoy a good cup of coffee and some treats on-the-side; time for Fika ! It is a social phenomenon, because it is more than just drinking coffee. Making time for and paying attention to colleagues, friends and family is paramount. But then while enjoying cinnamon rolls and scribble (Just Google it ;).

May – Red house with garden
I would like to live here . With lots of white and light inside, a beautiful green garden around it and a forest behind it. The outside of the house is that typical red, called Falu red. There is a copper mine near the town of Falun and paint has been made from the pigment from the mine since the 16th century. This paint has a preservative effect on the wood of the houses and it secretly also looks a bit like brick. Win-win!
July – Municipal Councils
An important part of the Swedish way of life is allemänsrätten , the right of public access. Everyone is free to enjoy nature and everything that goes with it, everywhere. You can pick wild land, camp wild and swim wild (or just swim) wherever you want. Even if this land belongs to someone else. Of course, you have to ask if it is okay when you pitch your tent, because you do need permission in that case. But as long as you do not disturb nature and do not leave any rubbish behind, you are free to go and stand wherever your feet take you.

September – Stockholm
Well Stockholm… Once you’ve been there once, you’ll definitely want to go back a second time. And a third.. And okay – even a fourth. The city is built on fourteen islands, which means there’s a lot of water! Ideal for a boat trip and it also makes it feel spacious and spacious. Not like you’re in a really big city. Two highlights: the Vasa Museum – a museum about a boat that sank during its maiden voyage just 1.5 km from the harbour. And Gamla Stan, the medieval city centre with narrow streets and nice shops. Oh and definitely take the metro, some stations are true works of art.
November – Polar Night
I made this illustration a few years ago. A bit derived from the film Brother Bear and the game Never Alone. Both are set in North America, but animism and ancestor worship also play a role in the traditional culture of the Sami, the original inhabitants of Lapland. They believe that all essential objects, such as animals, plants and stones, have a soul. The relationship with the animals they 'use', such as reindeer and seals, is therefore very important, the worship of animal spirits is also part of that.
There is so much more to tell about all the above subjects, but for now I will leave it at that. I have not yet hung this birthday calendar on the wall, order it here quickly ! And I hope I've given you something to think about when you turn a page to the next month. Next week part 2 !